Eucaby Architecture

Eucaby consists of three separate applications. The core is Eucaby API which serves messages between users and integrates external web services. Mobile application is the main client which sends and receives user location messages. Eucaby website provides general information and allows to view messages sent to email address.   Read more

Eucaby: Simple Geo Messenger

Messenger is no longer about just sending text. In recent years it turned into a major tool of communication for photo, video and audio content in real time. Integration of various services and business applications became indispensable part of messenger platform. Eucaby takes the messenger evolution to the next level by adding geographic location.   Read more

Non-Blocking Request Handling

Web applications normally perform various operations behind the scenes which take some time to process such as writing to remote database, logging over network file system or sending emails. Synchronous processing of the slow operations will reduce the responsiveness of the web application and make the user experience not very pleasant. Here I compare two non-blocking approaches using epoll and threading.   Read more

MetaHome: Interface for Contolling Home Devices

Controlling home devices from a single hand held device is a dream that will soon become real. Home devices are getting smarter and include more functionality than devices we have now. I developed a simple prototype of Android application that can manage virtual devices. The idea can be useful both for Home Automation to control devices as well as for Smart Maps to display detailed information about the objects on the map such as airports or shopping centers.   Read more

Analysis of TuneIn Radio Stations

Recently I was interested in TuneIn ( radio service which provides access to radio stations around the globe. In this post I will uncover statistics behind TuneIn radio stations and show how to use the script to do some cool thinks with the TuneIn API.   Read more

Sea World Tiles

After hanging out you with my friends from Oregon to the SeaWorld in San Diego, CA I decided that it is might be cool to develop a simple Android application which keeps our memory about the adventure parks.   Read more

Hello world

In this blog I will explore cool technologies by doing some experiments on computer systems, small and large, and writing code. In most cases source code will be provided in the repository: surfsnippets. I don’t like to read long posts so I will write just enough to describe the experiment. I follow the principle: “The harder to write, the harder to read”.   Read more